c Hire movers or reserve the truck.
If you will be using professional movers, see http://www.Movers-Edge.com/Movers-s/2.htm for details on finding movers.
c Recruit help for the move.
If you're moving yourself, start recruiting friends, family, neighbors and co-workers well in advance. Offer free breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks for your workforce, and be sure to deliver as promised!
c Get the essential moving supplies.
At minimum, you will need:
__ Markers to label boxes (preferably wide tip, dark color)
__ Moving boxes
__ Newsprint, packing peanuts or other cushioning material
__ Packing tape
__ Scissors or utility knife
c Make a moving organizer.
You can make a moving organizer for all your important notes, receipts, and important information by getting:
__ Binder, 3-ring, at least ½” wide
__ Pocket dividers to separate sections and hold important receipts
__ Paper for keeping all your notes (3-holed graph paper is ideal for this).
c Start packing!
For complete packing tips, see http://www.Movers-Edge.com/Packing-Tips-s/1.htm.
NOTE: Almost everyone under-estimates how much time it takes to pack, so start early and leave plenty of extra time.
c Start separating cherished items from the non-essential.
One of the biggest secrets of moving success is eliminating as many items from the move as possible. Donate items to charity, give them to friends, prepare them for a yard sale or throw them out.
What are your favorite items to check off? Please let me know.
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